Because biodiesel is made from renewable resources and it has lower emissions compared to petroleum diesel, people are really taking a hard look at it. Biodesiel can be used in compression ignition desiel engines with no major modifications.
Biodiesel's local resources can be cheaply grown and are excellent for the environment. Biodiesel is also a better solvent than conventional diesel and has been shown to break down residue deposits in fuel lines that have previously been using conventional diesel products. Will your business be prepared to compete in a changing, greener business environment?
An engine that runs on biodiesel is much healthier so the saving is not just by the biodiesel cost compared to petrodiesel but by the maintenance costs. During the refining of the oil a process is added that extracts all the contaminants from the raw fuel transforming it into an excellent alternative fuel source. Bio-diesel and petroleum diesel mix extremely well and are commercially available in variety of combinations.
Scientific research confirms that biodiesel exhaust has a less harmful impact on humans. Biodiesel can be used in its pure form or it may also be blended with petroleum diesel.
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