Monday, April 27, 2009

biodiesel plant design - BioDiesel Making Basics

Since oil prices have gone through the roof, biodiesel has the potential of becoming a cheaper fuel as well as being a more stable source than petroleum diesel. It is pure burning, non-petroleum product created from various diverse renewable natural resources like vegetable oils, corn and animal fats.

Although there are many alternative sources of fuels that are emerging in the market, biodiesel is winning votes and creating quite a following. Since it is made in the USA from renewable resources such as soybeans, its use decreases our dependence on foreign oil and contributes to our own economy. The world is confronting with the twin issues of global warming and energy pinch.

Biodiesel is good for the environment. Biodiesel is also a better solvent than conventional diesel and has been shown to break down residue deposits in fuel lines that have previously been using conventional diesel products. There are many political reasons why biodiesel making has captured people's attention.

What should be the governments role be in promoting the use of biodiesel? Scientific research confirms that biodiesel exhaust has a less harmful impact on humans.

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